- Www.hgst.com Tech Support For Instructions On How To Re Format For Mac Hard Drive
- Www.hgst.com Tech Support For Instructions On How To Re Format For Mac File
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There may be a number of reasons why Cook'n fails to launch on your computer. The new Catalina operating system that Apple released is causing major headaches for Mac users since it is affecting many Mac apps (not just Cook'n). If you are a Mac user with the Catalina operating system and you are experiencing this failure to launch problem, please follow these steps. Otherwise, skip these and follow the 5 steps below:
HGST: Hard Disk Drive Support home page - latest downloads, utilities, installation manuals, specifications, and technical information to support your HGST hard disk drive. Tip: The 64-bit version is installed by default unless Office detects you already have a 32-bit version of Office (or a stand-alone Office app such as Project or Visio) installed.In this case, the 32-bit version of Office will be installed instead. To change from a 32-bit version to a 64-bit version or vice versa, you need to uninstall Office first (including any stand-alone Office apps you.
- Go to System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Full Disk Access
- Add Cook'n
- Launch Cook'n
- Note: If this doesn't work, please remove Cook'n from Full Disk Access and add it back again (and, in some cases, you may need to restart your Mac to get these changes to take effect)
Follow the instructions below to change the default compression setting in WinZip. Open WinZip; Click the Settings tab and click WinZip Options; In the WinZip Options General tab, click in the box next to Create new Zip files using the (.zipx) file type. You have to format the StoreJet before using on your Mac. Please follow the steps below to format your StoreJet. For Mac users, you can use the built-in formatting tool. Warning: All your data will be deleted after formatting. Please back up your data beforehand.Step1: Click Go, and click Utilities. Step2: Click Disk Utility.
If those steps do not fix the problem. Or, if you are using a PC, please follow these steps:
1) Reboot Your Computer
When you launch Cook'n, it first checks to see if Cook'n is already running. If so, it will not launch a second instance otherwise that would cause problems. Sometimes, people don't realize that there is an instance of Cook'n already running. So...let's not make this more difficult than it needs to be. Simply restart your computer and try again.
2) Launch Cook'n with Administrator Privileges
It could be that you are trying to launch Cook'n from a Windows User Account that does not have Administrator privileges. To solve this, simply right click on the Cook'n icon and choose 'Launch as Administrator.'
3) Upgrade Cook'n
Cook'n Version 10 and Version 11 were released 5 or 6 years ago. A lot has happened since then. Microsoft and Apple have both released new versions of their operating system. Cook'n Version 14 is optimized for the newest operating systems. If your old version of Cook'n fails to launch, this might be a good time to consider upgrading. For a limited time, you can click here to upgrade to Cook'n 14. Memberships range in price starting at only $4.95 per month. Annual subscribers qualify to receive the Cook'n 14 upgrade for free (regularly $64)! Monthly subscribers who are subscribed for 5 months or more get the Cook'n 14 upgrade for free too. This is a fantastic deal!
4) Re-Install Cook'n
If you have the latest version of Cook'n and it won't launch, it is possible that your installation of Cook'n has become corrupt. Re-installing Cook'n may fix your problem. One easy way to do this is to click to www.dvo.com and, under step 2, you will see a 'Download Cook'n for PC' button and a 'Download Cook'n for Mac' button. Click one of those two buttons to install Cook'n for free.
If you already have a Cook'n Cloud account, you may need to logout before you find the Cook'n Download button.
Also, please note that if you qualify to use Cook'n 14, then once you have signed-in to your Cook'n Cloud account and re-launched the program, an orange button will appear on your toolbar offering to upgrade you to Cook'n 14 for free.
5) Restore Your Recipes
If you followed all these steps and Cook'n still will not launch on your computer, then there is a real possibility that your recipe database has become corrupt. One way to test to see if this is the reason Cook'n fails to launch on your computer is to rename the Documents/Cook'n12/workspace/data folder ton12
If the app launches successfully, then we know that the launching problem has something to do with your recipe database. The next step is to simply click File->Restore->From Cloud Account to restore your recipes from your Cloud account or click File->Restore->From File System and select a recent/large backup file from the DocumentsCook'n Backups folder.
☆ ★ ★ ★ ★ Rated (4.2 of 5.0) by 11 reviewers.
November 17, 2020 at 11:25 AM
Categories: iPhone | View Comments
Have you ever been curious about how to save your iPhone text messages as a PDF document and print out the messages? Today we're going to show you the quick steps on how to accomplish that task. Saving and printing text messages in PDF format is helpful for a wide variety of circumstances including for general business purposes, court or trial, family mementos, the monitoring of a teen or child's texts, or even just personal archiving of text messages between friends and loved ones. Let's get started:
Necessary items
Windows or Mac computer
iTunes - If you don't currently have iTunes on your computer you can access it here from Apple's official site.
Decipher TextMessage - The software runs on your computer and will read in all your text messages and photo attachments.
Note: If you are on a Mac computer that is running Catalina or Big Sur, iTunes is no longer necessary to back up your iPhone. You can just select your iPhone in the left-hand column of the Finder window and choose 'Back Up Now'. We have instructions here on how to back up your iPhone if you need assistance.
Www.hgst.com Tech Support For Instructions On How To Re Format For Mac Hard Drive

How to save text messages as a PDF
Specific steps to export and save iPhone text messages as a PDF document:
- Back up your iPhone on a computer.
- Launch Decipher TextMessage.
- Choose a phone and pick a contact with text messages you need to save as a PDF.
- Select Export Current Conversation as PDF.
- Save the PDF containing your text messages to computer.
- Open the PDF, choose Print to print out iPhone text messages and iMessages.
Below is a screenshot of what a PDF of text messages looks like after they are exported and saved.
Note that the contact info and time/date stamp is on every single text message. This is a unique feature of Decipher TextMessage. Also, the PDF will also include any photo image attachments inline with the messages just as they appear on the iPhone or iPad itself.
Save text messages as a PDF for a specific date range or time period
If you have a large amount of text messages from a specific contact but only want to save messages from certain dates, you can easily narrow down the SMS messages that you PDF and print by selecting the 'Export via PDF with date range' option. This will let you specify the exact date range of the text messages that you need to capture and save.
In addition to being able to print the PDF of all your text messages, don't forget that you can also email the PDF to colleagues or friends as well as save the PDF document to an external hard drive or cloud storage option of your choice.
Save iPhone text messages as a PDF - Video Instructions
Www.hgst.com Tech Support For Instructions On How To Re Format For Mac File
Our helpful step-by-step video will walk you through how to export your iPhone text messages as a PDF on your PC or Mac computer.
Www.hgst.com Tech Support For Instructions On How To Re Format For Mac Free
That covers it for today's overview and quick steps on how to save your iPhone text messages as a PDF file so you can print them out. If you have any questions or need help simply drop us a support email and we'll be happy to reply!