Shooting For Perfection Clint Swigert

I will clarify what we are up to in the reward.
Clint Swigert from Shooting For Perfection $100
Auto Bench Rest Association $50
Auto Bench rest Association if shot with LAPUA ammo $50
Luke Restivo Co-Owner of ABRA shot with LAPUA ammo $50
Anonymous Contributor $200
Jack Harper Supporter of ARA and ABRA $50
Les Williams Supporter of ARA and ABRA $50
Mike Turmite has contributed a 10/22 bench rest style stock value $600
Fred Jamison supporter of ARA and ABRA $50
Bill Wynne supporter of ARA and ABRA $50
Winfield supporter of ARA $1500 for 2015 ARA season only
Dan Killough of Killough Shooting Sports $250
TOTAL comes to $3,000 in cash and prices for the first person to shoot a 2500 on a ARA target in a sanctioned club match or tournament using a 10/22 style rifle and target must be certified by ARA headquarters
I talked to Dan Killough today, and he is wanting to make sure that everybody understood the qualifications that you must meet in order to win the reward.
Rules to qualify for the reward money for shooting an ARA Record 2500 Target with a semi-auto 22LR rifle.
· Rifle must be a 22LR semi-auto per the ABRA rules (Note that either a one or two piece rest setup may be used per the ARA defined rules.)
see Link: http://www.autobenchrestassociation....rms-rules.html
· Target must be shot in a sanctioned ARA match or tournament as defined per the ARA rules.
· Target must be certified per the ARA rules by the ARA Headquarters. Once the ARA Headquarters has notified that the target has passed inspection and certification the reward will be presented to the winner of such by the reward sponsor at a designated date and time as determined by the reward sponsor.
· The reward sponsor reserves the right to end the reward at any time and make modifications to the amount offered depending on all those involved who have offered contributions to the reward whether it’s to increase or decrease it.
Note that those involved want to promote the sport and the intentions are to let the reward stand until it’s collected.

Shooting For Perfection Clint Swigert

  • Shooting for Perfection. James Swan 06.19.13. I remember the shot very well. As I have done hundreds of thousands of times before, I steadied myself, focused on a quarter-sized orange dot in the.
  • CST CentriX-22 Semi-Auto Receiver W/ Power Match Bolt Sub-Kit.

Right now Clint Swigert, shooting for perfection has some sk+ in stock for $58 a brick. Phone # 5 also Bert's garage of Vanport, Pa. Has sk+ and wolf mt in stock. Phone# 7 # 3, 09:48 AM.

By Molly Pennington of Stacker

Shooting For Perfection Ammo


100 greatest movie quotes from 100 years of film


Notable movie lines become part of the cultural lexicon, working their way into pop culture, parodies, and—in the digital age—circulating as gifs and memes.

Clint Swigert Eley Ammo


It's only fitting, then, that the American Film Institute (AFI) in 2005 compiled a list of the greatest movie quotes based on feedback from more than 1,500 leaders in the creative community including film artists, critics, and historians. There have, of course, been many worthy additions over the last decade and a half that warrant future consideration: Lines like “I drink your milkshake,” from “There Will Be Blood,” or “I wish I knew how to quit you,” from “Brokeback Mountain,” were delivered shortly after the cut-off date. “Look at me, I’m the captain now,” from “Captain Phillips” has also received full meme treatment, as has “Why so serious?” from “The Dark Knight.”

22lr Barrel Tuners For Sale

The quotes in AFI's list were selected from a ballot that included 400 choices from American films that have deeply circulated throughout popular culture over the years to expand their historical legacies. The earliest film quote comes from 1927’s “The Jazz Singer,” with “Wait a minute, wait a minute—you ain’t heard nothin’ yet,” a slick self-reference to its status as the first “talkie.” The final year represented is 2002’s “The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers” with the line “My precious” delivered by Andy Serkis’ unforgettable Gollum.

1939 saw the most movie quotes on the ballot, the year that powerhouse films “The Wizard of Oz” and “Gone with the Wind” premiered. “Casablanca” is the film with the most quotes in the top 100—a whopping six—whittled down from 10 quotes. Three of the lines are delivered on the foggy tarmac where Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman say goodbye with iconic panache.

Shooting For Perfection Clint Swigert

Read on to see how many of the quotes from the top 100 you already know by heart.

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